Friday, April 24, 2009

A Slight Introduction

*Vivaldi's "Primavera Allegro" begins playing, and lights come up to reveal a figure in a leather chair in a dusty library*

Hello, I am Aislin Avari, and this is Masterpiece Theatre. The following production is a bit of light fiction that I've been scribbling in my spare time, mainly for my own amusement. I've found that if you're actually writing with a pen, most professors assume that you're taking notes. Anyway, one of the goals of this work is to use as many cliches as blatantly as possible. This is partly to avoid being derivative, as it draws from almost everything. Mostly, it is for the lulz. If something seems too obvious, I probably meant it that way. Chuckle, move on. Or leave a comment, whatever makes you happy. The story is narrated in first person style by William Alexei Zurn, who is of course the protagonist. I may or may not make an appearance later on, as it depends on how you define "me". So, without further ado, the story begins. Take it away, Wil!

* "Primavera" ends, and is supplanted by John Philip Sousa's "Liberty Bell March" which ends not with a bang, but with a fart sound.*

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